How can I tell if my child is a victim of bullying?
Ideally, a child will tell an authority figure if he or she is in danger, but some children may be embarrassed or feel weak by admitting to being the victim of a bully. Also, the effects of bullying aren't always as obvious as a black eye. Some signs to look for include:
- Avoiding school. A child may suddenly invent mysterious illnesses or stomach aches to avoid school.
- Changing behavior. A child may react to being bullied in many ways. Some children become withdrawn or moody, while others become overly aggressive or violent.
- Showing pain. Bruises and scratches may be a sign a child has been bullied, but these can be common in active youngsters. Parents and caregivers should pay close attention to a pattern of bruises that the child can't explain.
- Losing possessions. If a child starts mysteriously misplacing his or her favorite toys, he or she could be the victim of a bullying. Bullies will sometimes intimidate their victims into handing over their belongings.
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