"When Your Child Is Bullied"
(It's not a question of if, just when)
Help your child respond by:
1. Appearing confident (fake it til you make it)
Look the bully in the eye, stand tall and confident. Remember, true courage is not the absence of fear, but having fear and taking action anyway.
2. Stand calm. Inside the turmoil of a hurricane, there is calm.
3. Walk away.
Teach your child an assertive voice. Practice saying;
"Please do NOT talk to me like that."
Teach your child when and how to ask for help.
(Excuse me, I am scared. Can you help me?)
Encourage your child to ask friends for help.
Pick an activity that can challenge your child but that will give them
confidence by having success at it.
Notify school officials, ask them for help.
Make sure a teacher, trusted adult or trusted/mature older child can watch out for your child's safety when you cannot be there.
"When Your Child Is A Bystander"
The bystanders need to feel a moral obligation to come to the aid
of a person being bullied.
Tell your child not to cheer on or even quietly watch bullying.
Encourage your child to tell a trusted adult about the bullying.
Help your child support and aid other children who may be bullied.
Encourage your child to include bullied children in play.
Most importantly, encourage your child to join others in telling bullies to stop.
Dedicated to reducing bullying everywhere,
Mike Bogdanski, M.S.
"America's ANTI Bully Solution"
Help Everyone Respect Others, an anti bully program that will touch the minds and hearts of your students.
Reproduction with credit.
Toll free 1.877.208.6176
cell 860.315.0205
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